Putin Direct

Heads of 9 post-Soviet states gather in Moscow, issue joint statement to the world

October 8, 2024 / Moscow — We, the heads of state of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) call upon the peoples of our countries and the world to prevent the resurgence of fascism, Nazism, and militarism, and to thwart any attempts to incite a new world war.

Eighty years ago, the multinational Soviet people achieved a historic victory in the Great Patriotic War. This war, the most devastating in human history, claimed the lives of millions of our compatriots — those who perished on the battlefields, in partisan units, under bombardments, endured torture in occupied territories and concentration camps, and those who died from cold and hunger.

This most brutal war in human history ended victoriously in May 1945, largely due to the unity, unyielding resilience, and heroic self-sacrifice of our peoples. The brotherhood in arms and labor achievements secured the victory in the Great Patriotic War. We take pride in the fact that, having withstood all trials, the peoples of our countries made an invaluable contribution to the ultimate victory over fascism.

Recognizing the special significance of the anti-Hitler coalition as a unique historical union of states with different political systems against a common threat to humanity, we recall that the actions of the main Nazi perpetrators, who bear full responsibility for the outbreak and conduct of World War II, were deemed criminal by the judgment of the International Military Tribunal.

We emphasize that the atrocities committed by the Nazis and their accomplices, including the expulsion and extermination of peaceful civilians, as established by the Tribunal's verdict, must be regarded as genocide against the peoples of the Soviet Union. Today, it is essential not to forget the principled assessments of the criminal activities of the Nazi leaders, which were made by the Nuremberg Tribunal and reaffirmed by the United Nations General Assembly.

Attempts to assign equal responsibility for the outbreak of the war to both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany are immoral and sacrilegious with respect to the memory of those who liberated the world from the "brown plague."

We firmly condemn efforts to justify the true perpetrators of the war, to downplay the role of our peoples in the defeat of Nazism, and to rehabilitate the collaborators of Hitler's executioners and those who fought against the anti-Hitler coalition, collaborated with the Nazi movement, and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

We, the heads of state of the CIS, appeal to the peoples of our countries and the international community to condemn and prevent the falsification of history, to resolutely oppose the justification and glorification of Nazi, fascist, and similar nationalist movements and their followers, including the erection of monuments and memorials that promote racism, religious discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance in all its forms.

We express deep concern over the increasing deliberate attempts and incidents of desecration or destruction of monuments erected in honor of those who fought against Nazism during World War II, and we strongly call for respect toward memorials and burial sites, regardless of their location, ensuring unhindered access to them, and preventing acts of vandalism and their destruction.

We call for the condemnation and prosecution of those who insult the memory of the liberating soldiers and glorify Nazi criminals and their accomplices.

In this regard, we welcome the United Nations General Assembly resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and we reaffirm our commitment to the goals and principles of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. We view the broad support for these important documents as a confirmation of the international community's determination to prevent the recurrence of the tragic mistakes of the past and to build a future on the foundations of unity.

It is our collective duty to honor the memory of those who died for freedom and peace on Earth, to defend the righteous cause for which they fought and gave their lives, and to strengthen the unity of all people of goodwill in the fight against any manifestations of Nazism and neo-Nazism, as well as the threat of a new world war.

Click here to view the original text in Russian.